What is The Perio Protect Method?

The importance of maintaining gum health cannot be overstated. Having healthy gums not only ensures a beautiful smile but also contributes significantly to our overall health. Unfortunately, gum disease is prevalent, with many individuals unaware of it until much damage has been done. The Perio Protect Method aims to change this by offering an effective, preventative solution.


Understanding Gum Disease and its Causes


Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a severe infection of the gums that can lead to tooth loss if untreated. It's caused by the buildup of plaque, a sticky substance composed mainly of bacteria, on the teeth and gums. Plaque can harden over time, turning into tartar, which is difficult to remove without professional help. When not removed, these bacteria cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums, a condition known as gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease.


If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. In this stage, the gums pull away from the teeth, forming pockets that become infected. The body's immune system fights the bacteria as the plaque spreads below the gum line. However, bacterial toxins and the body's natural response to infection start to break down the bone and connective tissue that hold the teeth in place.


Various factors can contribute to the onset and progression of gum disease. These include poor oral hygiene, smoking, genetic predisposition, diabetes, certain medications, and hormonal changes in females. Recognizing these risk factors and understanding their impact on your gum health is the first step towards prevention and treatment.


How Does the Perio Protect Method Work?


The Perio Protect Method is a comprehensive approach to gum disease treatment that works to manage the bacteria causing the disease. It involves the use of customized Perio Trays® that are designed to fit your mouth perfectly. These trays are similar to mouth guards but are thinner and more comfortable to wear.


The trays are filled with medication and worn for just a few minutes each day. The medication is delivered deep below the gum line, reaching areas that are otherwise difficult to clean with brushing and flossing alone. The medication helps manage the bacterial communities in your mouth, reducing the bacteria that cause gum disease.


The Perio Protect Method is non-invasive and can be used independently or in conjunction with other treatments. It's a user-friendly approach that places you in control of your gum health, allowing you to treat your condition in the comfort of your own home.


What are the Benefits of the Perio Protect Method?


There are numerous benefits to using the Perio Protect Method. The first and most obvious is that it effectively manages the bacteria causing gum disease. The medication delivered via the Perio Trays® reaches the bacteria hiding deep below the gum line, helping to reduce their numbers and prevent further damage to your gums and teeth.


Apart from its efficacy in bacteria management, the Perio Protect Method is also user-friendly and non-invasive. Unlike surgical procedures, this method does not involve any cutting or stitching. It's painless and can be done in the comfort of your own home. This makes it a perfect choice for individuals who are apprehensive about dental procedures.


Additionally, the Perio Protect Method is customizable. The Perio Trays® are designed to fit your mouth perfectly, ensuring maximum comfort and efficacy. This tailored approach allows for better delivery of medication and more effective management of bacteria.


Embrace the Perio Protect Method for Healthy Gums Today


The Perio Protect Method is a revolutionary approach to gum disease treatment. It offers an effective, non-invasive, and user-friendly solution to manage the bacteria causing the disease. With its numerous benefits and proven efficacy, the Perio Protect Method can indeed be a game-changer in the field of oral health.


It's never too late to start taking better care of your gums and teeth. Embrace the Perio Protect Method and take control of your gum health today at Wanlass Dental in our Las Vegas, Nevada clinic. We help our patients get their dental health back with our quality products and services. Please call 702-367-4412 to schedule an appointment today.

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