How Is Sleep Apnea Treated?

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when your breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. This can happen hundreds of times throughout the night, preventing you from getting the deep, restful sleep your body needs.


The Impact of Sleep Apnea on Health

Sleep apnea is more than just a nuisance, it can have serious consequences for your health if left untreated. Some of the potential health issues associated with sleep apnea include:

  • Increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure
  • Worsening of type 2 diabetes
  • Daytime fatigue and drowsiness, which can increase the risk of accidents
  • Headaches and mood changes, such as depression or irritability
  • Decreased cognitive function and memory problems

It's important to seek treatment for sleep apnea to prevent these and other potentially serious health complications.


How Can a Dentist Help with Sleep Apnea?

Dentists are trained to recognize the physical signs of sleep apnea, such as a narrow or recessed jaw, large tongue, or excess soft tissue in the back of the throat. During your regular dental checkups, your dentist may be able to spot these indicators and recommend you for a sleep study.

Once a sleep apnea diagnosis is confirmed, your dentist can also provide effective treatment options, particularly through the use of oral appliance therapy.

Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea

There are several treatment options available for sleep apnea, depending on the severity of your condition and your individual needs. Some common treatments include:

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP): This is considered the gold standard for treating sleep apnea. A CPAP machine delivers a constant flow of air to keep your airway open during sleep.
  • Oral Appliance Therapy: Dentists can fit you with a custom-made oral device that keeps your jaw in a forward position, preventing the airway from becoming blocked.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Losing weight, quitting smoking, and avoiding alcohol before bedtime can help alleviate sleep apnea symptoms.


Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep Apnea

Oral appliance therapy is a popular and effective treatment option for many people with sleep apnea. These custom-fitted devices, which are similar to a mouthguard or orthodontic retainer, work by keeping your jaw in a forward position during sleep. This helps maintain an open airway and prevent the airway blockages that cause sleep apnea. Oral appliances offer several advantages over CPAP therapy, including:

  • More comfortable and easier to use
  • Quieter and more discreet
  • Portable and easy to travel with
  • Effective for mild to moderate sleep apnea

If you're considering oral appliance therapy, it's important to work with an experienced dentist who specializes in sleep apnea treatment. They can evaluate your condition and recommend the best oral device for your needs.


The Benefits of Vivos Oral Device Treatment for Sleep Apnea

One innovative oral appliance option for sleep apnea is the Vivos oral device. This custom-fitted appliance is designed to gradually and comfortably remodel the oral and nasal structures, leading to long-term improvements in airflow and breathing. Some of the key benefits of the Vivos oral device include:

  • Addresses the underlying causes of sleep apnea, not just the symptoms
  • Improves overall sleep quality and daytime energy levels
  • Non-invasive and comfortable to wear
  • Suitable for both adults and children with sleep apnea

Unlike traditional oral appliances that simply hold the jaw forward, the Vivos device works to actually reshape the oral and nasal structures over time. This can lead to more sustainable improvements in breathing and sleep quality.


Get Started with Wanlass Dental Today

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can have far-reaching impacts on your health and quality of life. By working closely with your dentist, you can find the right treatment plan to manage your symptoms and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

If you're concerned about sleep apnea, schedule a consultation with Wanlass Dental. We can evaluate your condition and recommend the best treatment options to help you get the restful, restorative sleep you need. Visit our office in Las Vegas, Nevada, or call (702) 367-4412 to book an appointment today.

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